This has some great features, such as the ability to navigate to a cache or related waypoint via another app (it supports at least TomTom and Navigon, maybe others). This is an awesome feature that the official Geocaching app doesnt provide. Also you can filter searches based on difficulty, terrain, etc. However the UI is confusing, partly due to poor translation to English (and in some cases, not translated at all). For example in the filtering options, most options are inclusive (so find caches that ARE of a certain difficulty range), but others are exclusive. For example the Founds option (which is already some confusing wording), that filters OUT ones youve found, which makes sense, but then it seems to me the wording should be "Not found". Also there are some fairly unclear icon buttons. Etc. Still, once you figure it out this app has some really great features and Im definitely considering buying the Pro version.
crunc about Looking4Cache Lite